Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart in the Material Charts Flutter package is an invaluable tool for developers seeking to visualize project timelines and task progress within their Flutter applications. This powerful charting solution allows users to represent tasks along a timeline, making it easy to track project milestones, deadlines, and dependencies at a glance. With customizable colors, interactive elements, and the ability to display detailed task information, the Gantt Chart enhances project management and collaboration. Ideal for project management tools, scheduling applications, and any scenario where task visualization is crucial, the Gantt Chart in the Material Charts package empowers developers to deliver a rich and informative user experience while effectively communicating project status and timelines.

Bar Chart Example Bar Chart Example


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:material_charts_tests/material_charts.dart';
    MaterialGanttChart exampleChart() {
      // Example timeline data points
      final timelineData = [
          startDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 1),
          endDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 15),
          label: 'Project Start',
          description: 'Initial project planning phase',
          icon: Icons.start,
              'Additional details for the project start phase...', // Optional tap content
          startDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 16),
          endDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 20),
          label: 'Kickoff Meeting',
          description: 'Project initiation and goal setting.',
          icon: Icons.event,
          startDate: DateTime(2024, 1, 20),
          endDate: DateTime(2024, 2, 1),
          label: 'Design Phase',
          description: 'UI/UX design and prototype creation.',
          icon: Icons.design_services,
          startDate: DateTime(2024, 2, 1),
          endDate: DateTime(2024, 3, 20),
          label: 'Development Phase',
          description: 'Implementation of core features.',
          icon: Icons.code,
          startDate: DateTime(2024, 3, 21),
          endDate: DateTime(2024, 4, 5),
          label: 'Testing & QA',
          description: 'Bug fixing and quality checks.',
          icon: Icons.bug_report,
          startDate: DateTime(2024, 4, 6),
          endDate: DateTime(2024, 4, 15),
          tapContent: "Tap",
          label: 'Release',
          description: 'Deployment and client delivery.',
          color: Colors.purple,
          icon: Icons.rocket_launch,
      // Timeline chart styling
      const style = GanttChartStyle(
        lineColor: Color.fromRGBO(96, 125, 139, 1),
        lineWidth: 8,
        pointRadius: 6,
        connectionLineWidth: 3,
        showConnections: true,
        connectionLineColor: Colors.grey,
        backgroundColor: Colors.white,
        labelStyle: TextStyle(
            fontSize: 14, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: Colors.black87),
        dateStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 12, color: Colors.grey),
        animationDuration: Duration(seconds: 2),
        animationCurve: Curves.easeInOut,
        verticalSpacing: 90.0, // Adjust spacing for readability
        // horizontalPadding: 120.0,
      // Create the timeline chart widget
      return MaterialGanttChart(
        data: timelineData,
        width: 700,
        height: 800,
        style: style,
        onPointTap: (point) {
          debugPrint('Tapped on ${point.label}');



Property Type Description Default
startDate DateTime Start date of the task Required
endDate DateTime End date of the task Required
label String Name or label of the task Required
description String? Optional description of the task null
color Color? Color used to represent the task null
icon IconData? Icon associated with the task null
tapContent String? Content displayed when tapping the task null


Property Type Description Default
lineColor Color Color of the timeline lines
pointColor Color Color of data points along the timeline
connectionLineColor Color Color of connecting lines between tasks Colors.grey
backgroundColor Color Background color of the chart Colors.white
labelStyle TextStyle? Text style for task labels null
dateStyle TextStyle? Text style for date labels null
descriptionStyle TextStyle? Text style for task descriptions null
lineWidth double Thickness of the timeline lines 2.0
pointRadius double Radius of data points 4.0
connectionLineWidth double Width of connecting lines 1.0
animationDuration Duration Duration of animation transitions Duration(milliseconds: 1500)
animationCurve Curve Curve used for animations Curves.easeInOut
showConnections bool Whether to display connections between tasks true
dateFormat DateFormat? Format for displaying dates null
verticalSpacing double Space between timeline rows 120.0
horizontalPadding double Padding between tasks and chart boundaries 32.0
labelOffset double Offset for task labels 25.0
timelineYOffset double Offset for the vertical position of the timeline 60.0
